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Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Our Exterminators Can Help

Bed bugs can be incredibly hard to get rid of once they sneak into your home. Our professionals can help you address this issue and make your property bed bug-free.

Partner with a Top Bed Bug Exterminator Near Lancaster, PA, and the Surrounding Areas

Bed bugs can be a pain to deal with. Allow a professional bed bug exterminator to assist you. At Commonwealth Pest Management, we offer bedbug extermination service to clients near Lancaster, PA, and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to help you effectively eliminate bed bugs from your property.

close up of a bed bug crawling down a mattress before bed bug treatment lancaster pa


Know When to Call an Exterminator

Bed bugs are notoriously easy to transfer from place to place—and very difficult to detect once they’ve infested somewhere. They can hide in your bedding, in small cracks and crevices, and in other areas of your home. Because of this, it can be difficult to know when you should call a bed bug exterminator.

Get in touch with a professional bed bug killer if you notice any of the following signs:

  • An unexplained musty smell.
  • Reddish stains on your sheet or mattress.
  • Itchy bug bites or welts.
  • Discarded eggs, eggshells, and shed skins.
  • Live bugs crawling around your building.

The Help You Need

Our bed bug services are designed to help you promptly and effectively get rid of these unwanted pests. If you need bedbug extermination services near Lancaster, PA, then consider reaching out to us today for your free quote.

Outstanding Service

Remove Bed Bugs with Ease

We’re ready to help you completely exterminate bed bugs from your property.